"DOC’s new draft Tahr Control Plan which is poised to start on the 1st of July is without doubt our biggest battle yet. This proposed plan is eradication in disguise. It WILL kill the tahr hunting resource as we know it, it WILL kill many jobs and people’s livelihoods, and it WILL kill a passionate recreational pursuit enjoyed by thousands."
All stakeholders accept that the environment needs to come first – without a healthy eco-system, everything fails, our recreation and commercial business fail, so we want to protect and look after our environment just as much, if not more than most... What we need to do is the science – how many Tahr can our Southern Alps hold with an acceptable amount of browse, while still providing a sustainable hunting resource?
What is the solution? Minister Sage to direct DOC to halt the cull and allow all interested stakeholders to sit down, review the Himalayan Tahr Control Plan 1993 and put a sound management system in place for tahr going forward that is based on good science and protects native flora & fauna, while also allowing for recreational and commercial hunting. None of these are mutually exclusive or need to be at the expense of one another, we simply need the opportunity to think this through properly after 27 years of conflict and failed management...
The NZ Tahr Foundation and other hunting sector organisations are doing all we can to stop the upcoming slaughter of thousands of tahr but we need your support to halt the cull. It is absolutely critical that hunters and all those who value tahr stand up now." - New Zealand Tahr Foundation
"All we want is a mature well considered and consulted discussion, resulting in a sensible sustainable plan." - NZ Tahr Foundation
For more information visit: https://www.facebook.com/nztahrfoundation